Abstract The development of pure electric bus is of great significance to reduce oil consumption and improve urban environment. On the premise of satisfying the operation of electric bus, this paper proposes a charging strategies which can make the electric bus run economically under the time-of-use price mode. Firstly, the all feasible vehicle chains of electric bus satisfying the time and electricity constraints are found out, and the optimal charging plan of the each feasible vehicle chain is solved by a optimization model. Secondly, the model of the optimal vehicle chains of electric bus is selected and established, through which the feasible vehicle chains sets which meets the constraints and has the lowest running cost is selected. At last, the optimal secondary planning model of night charging is established, which takes the minimum fluctuation of charging load as the optimization objective. Taking the running plan and charging plan formulation of an electric bus line as an example, the calculation results of orderly charging strategy and disordered charging strategy are compared. The results show that the electric bus charging strategy proposed in this paper can cut the peak and fill the valley and reduce the load fluctuation, and the charging cost is lower, it can be used as a reference for electric bus to make driving plan and charging plan.
Received: 19 November 2019
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