Lightning Impulse Pollution Flashover Characteristics and Model of 10 kV Composite Arrester Combined Insulator
Qiao Xinhan1, Zhang Zhijin2, Jiang Zhenglong3, Jiang Xingliang2, Pang Guohui2
1. School of Electrical Engineering China University of Mining and Technology Xuzhou 221008 China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China; 3. Disaster Prevention & Reduction Center of State Grid Hunan Electric Power Co. Ltd Changsha 410007 China
Abstract:Lightning strikes and pollution pose a threat to the operation of the power grid. To equip insulators with lightning protection functions, the “composite arrester combined insulator” has emerged, which can replace both ordinary insulators and line lightning arresters at the same time. However, in long-term operation, the external insulation of combined insulators exposed to outdoor conditions may be affected by severe pollution and other adverse conditions, leading to unexpected changes in their discharge path under overvoltage, affecting operational safety. Therefore, studying the discharge characteristics of combined insulators has extremely important value. This paper first analyzed the impulse voltage flashover model applicable to composite insulators. The flashover model takes a double exponential waveform as input. This paper establishes an impulse flashover voltage and arc path calculation model for combined insulators based on the intersection point method of double exponential function and volt second characteristics. Starting from iteratively solving the variable U (impulse flashover voltage), the single equation two unknown quantity problem is transformed into a nonlinear equation solving problem with a single unknown quantity to achieve model solving. Then, the paper conducted a lightning impulse pollution flashover test on the combined insulator. The study found that the flashover path of the combined insulator was divided into two categories: insulation and gap. As the salt density increased (0.03~0.20 mg/cm2), the combined insulator's lightning impulse pollution flashover voltage showed a non-monotonic change pattern. Still, it showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing. Compared to the flashover voltage at a salt density of 0.03 mg/cm2, the flashover voltage at a salt density of 0.10 mg/cm2 increased from 90.79 kV to 97.15 kV, and the pollution flashover voltage increased by 7.01%. However, when the salt density increased to 0.20 mg/cm2, the voltage gradually decreased to 91.89 kV. Further analysis revealed a new finding that as salt density increases, flashover voltage does not monotonically increase. Finally, the proposed model was validated through research, and the maximum error in calculating the impulse flashover voltage based on the intersection method was 8.14%, with an average error of 4.47%. It can determine the position of the arc path. The paper reveals the special discharge characteristics of combined insulators and establishes a flashover model. The research results can reference combined insulator design, optimization, and operation.
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