Distributed renewable energy (DRE) is experiencing a rapid growth worldwide, and gradually becomes a significant factor that influences stability of bulk power systems. In the year 2022, the increasement of distributed photovoltaic in China has exceeded 51GW, far exceeding the aggregate photovoltaic increasement. The installed capacity of DRE accounts for over 50% of the total renewable energy sources in several provinces, and peak DRE power output reaches 30% of the overall load power. Bulk power system incidents related to DRE have been reported in countries such as Australia and the United States. It is revealed that current bulk power system analyses inadequately consider the impact of DREs.
However, it is impossible to model every single DRE in bulk power system analysis, as they are with a very large quantity, and integrated in very low voltage level. Although aggregation methods are proposed for renewable energy sources, the methods mainly aim at aggregate renewables. DREs are generally mixed with power loads, and are unsuitable for the methods.
In the early stages of DRE development, they are simply considered as “negative power loads” in bulk power system analysis. This modeling approach is too simplistic for regions with high penetration. To resolve the problem, some power system operators utilize a simplified distribution grid model. However, such model consists too many nodes for bulk power systems, which can comprise hundreds of distribution grids.
To address the modeling challenges of DRE in bulk power system simulation and analysis, measurement-based, data-driven methods are widely utilized. The obtained models are known as generalized load models, microgrid equivalent models, etc., considering both DREs and loads. While the methods are widely seen in literatures, limited engineering application is reported. In large power systems, it is difficult to acquire sufficient transient response data for measurement-based modelling method. Besides, the methods hardly offer physical relations between the equivalent parameters and actual power components. Problems like multiple-solutions and overfitting also exist in the methods. These disadvantages hinder power system analysis.
In view of the above, this paper proposes an active synthesis load model, trying to resolve the DRE modelling problems in China’s practical engineering context. Structure design, parameter calculation, and practical application of the model is described in the paper. The proposed model is tested effective in the application. Conclusions of this paper are briefly drawn as follows:
(1) From the perspective of engineering applications, an equivalent DRE model should consider four aspects: model compatibility, application cost, explainability, and accuracy.
(2) In the practical engineering context in China, the equivalent of DRE involves approximately 30 key electromechanical transient parameters. When calculating equivalents, these parameters can be categorized into four types and treated with different methods. These four types of parameters are: linear independent parameters, linear coupled parameters, nonlinear coupled parameters, and empirical parameters.
(3) Compared to conventional distribution grids, the grids with DRE have important, new features, including but not limited to component terminal voltage and feeder current. Additional attention should be paid to these features when establishing the equivalent model.
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