Simulation of An Arterial Scanning Imaging Method Based on Linear Zero Magnetic Field
Yang Dan1,2, Wang Yuchen1,2, Li Tianzhao1,2, Xu Bin3, Wu Ying1,2
1. College of Information Science and Engineering Northeastern University Shenyang 110819 China;
2. Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Data Analytics and Optimization for Smart Industry Northeastern University Shenyang 110819 China;
3. School of Computer Science and Engineering Northeastern University Shenyang 110169 China
Backgroundand Objectives: Cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery stenosis, coronary heart disease have become major diseases that seriously endanger human health. Nowadays, the existed diagnostic techniques in clinical practice are not suitable for early cardiovascular disease prediction and monitoring due to trauma, high cost, radiation problems and operation complexity. In this paper, we studied the coupling electric effect of magnetic field and blood flow, and considered that a large range of uniform magnetic field results in slow imaging speed, a linear gradient magnetic field for arterial scanning imaging method is proposed.
Methodsand Models: Firstly, the topology of combined coil for arterial vascular scanning imaging was proposed for generating a linear gradient magnetic field with a Field Free Line (FFL) configuration. Secondly, employing this coils group, FFL was moved by adjusting excitation current to realize two-directional electronical scan of imaging region. And the curved FFL scanning trajectory was corrected. Then, the numerical simulation model of arterial scanning imaging was established by COMSOL, and the voltage signals of magnetoelectric coupling have been solved by finite element method (FEM). Finally, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) were used to realize the nonlinear mapping between the magnetoelectric coupled signals and the vascular information. The coordinates of the center position and the radius of the blood vessel were obtained to reconstruct the arterial vascular image.==Results:When the current amplitude of the gradient coil changes from 8A to 30A, the peak value of the magnetic field intensity in the Y-axis z direction varies from 0.024T to 0.089T, and the magnetic field gradient increases accordingly. The FFL is generated by superimposing the alternating driving field and the linear gradient magnetic field line. Injecting cosine alternating currents into the driving coil, FFL is electronically scanning in yz-plane. The translated range of FFL is -30mm to 40mm in y-direction and -20mm to 25mm in z-direction. The CNN is trained by simulation datasets, nonlinear mapping between induced voltage signal and the vascular information is established. By using trained CNN, the mean error of vessel position reconstructed is 1.569 4mm. The Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Correlation Coefficient (CC) of reconstructed vascular radius are 0.054 8 and 0.987 0, respectively.
Conclusions:1) The topology of combined coil for generating FFL proposed in this study has shown the potential advantage in the real-time imaging of arteries. 2) By adopting correction coefficient in the gradient coil current, the FFL offset height can be dynamically compensated, and the linear correction of FFL trajectory has been realized. 3) Using CNN, the nonlinear mapping between the magneto-electric coupling signal of blood flow in linear gradient zero field excitation and the vascular information can be established, obtaining the arterial vessel profile image. However, in the practical design of the imaging system, there are many issues to be considered such as turns of the coil, the coils group geometry, FFL translating the field of view (FOV), imaging speed, image resolution and etc. In the follow-up study, we will further adjust the position of each coil or optimize the structure of combined coils for the clinical requirements of blood vessel images.
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