With the rapid development of wind power generation, the inherent characteristics of intermittent, fluctuating and randomness lead to high wind curtailment rates, power-to-hydrogen (P2H) equipment is used to convert excess wind power into clean hydrogen energy that can be stored and reused. However, traditional P2H equipment planning research ignores external power fluctuation, only analyzing its static characteristics. As an electrical load with a fixed energy conversion efficiency, P2H equipment is too ideal to operate within any range under the rated capacity. The load range is affected by the wind power fluctuation, exceeding this allowable range will influence the safety and service life of P2H equipment. Recently, the dynamic power range has been studied, but most of them have not given specific control strategies and unified models. To address these issues, this paper proposes a power range selection strategy, which can smoothly track the external power fluctuation by segmented response current and voltage.
Firstly, an alkaline electrolysis cell (AEC) is selected as the research object, the correlation between wind power and hydrogen production is fully studied by considering its hydrogen production efficiency characteristic. Then, based on realizing high-quality hydrogen production, an optimal configuration model combining operation range planning and economic planning is constructed. The range selection strategy ensures the operating ability of AEC to act as a load, realizing the stable operation of the whole system. In economic planning, the model comprehensively considers the whole life cycle cost, power purchase cost, hydrogen sales revenue and wind curtailment penalty cost as the objective function, and uses the chaotic particle swarm optimization (CPSO) algorithm to solve it. Finally, by comparing with the existing configuration models, the method proposed simultaneously achieves a lower wind curtailment rate and higher hydrogen production quality, thus leading to optimal economics.
By selecting historical annual wind speed data at 10min intervals, the two-parameter Weibull distribution function is applied to build typical scenarios. Simulation results show that, compared with traditional models, the proposed configuration model reduces the capacity by 22% and wind curtailment rate by 23%, which greatly improves the equipment investment cost. When the safety device detects that the hydrogen to oxygen (HTO) is higher than 2%, P2H equipment will shut down automatically, thereby reducing the explosion risk of mixing hydrogen and oxygen. Furthermore, the influence of hydrogen selling price on the capacity planning results is separately analyzed, the price of 7.2 EUR/kg is a key node in this example, which is directly related to the curtailed wind power.
The main conclusions are as follows: 1) Fluctuating wind power can be tracked by the proposed range selection strategy, which ensures the safety of mixed gas and overload problems. 2) By analyzing the hydrogen production efficiency curve of AEC, the equipment can operate near the maximum efficiency point, and the marginal cost of hydrogen production is reduced. 3) Compared with traditional models, the optimal configuration model proposed combines operating range planning and economic planning, which considers equipment safety, hydrogen production quality, and economy. This greatly increases the hydrogen production revenue, reduces the total planning cost, and can better adapt to the fluctuation of wind power. The CPSO algorithm can also converge to a better solution with fewer iterations compared with the PSO algorithm. 4) The hydrogen selling price will influence the capacity configuration results of P2H equipment. As the hydrogen price raises, the equipment capacity and hydrogen quality increase linearly. However, due to the limitation of curtailed wind power, after the price reaches 7.2 EUR/kg, there is no significant change in configuration results.
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Li Junzhou, Zhao Jinbin, Chen Yiwen, Mao Ling, Qu Keqing. Optimal Capacity Configuration of P2H Equipment Considering Dynamic Power Range and Hydrogen Production Efficiency. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 0, (): 230614-230614.
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