Abstract:A novel ridgelet network combing ridgelet and neural network appropriately used for diagnosing the faults of analog circuit is constructed. Then a training algorithm based on the steepest gradient descent method and momentum method and the approach and procedure of fault diagnosis of analog circuit are presented. Due to the ridgelet handling effectively the line-like and hyperplane-like singularities in high dimensions, the ridgelet network adopts the ridgelet as the activation functions in the hidden layer so that the ridgelet network can deal with effectively the complicated fault information of circuit under test to classify the faults correctly. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the novel approach.
肖迎群, 何怡刚. 基于脊波网络的模拟电路故障诊断[J]. 电工技术学报, 2010, 25(6): 155-162.
Xiao Yingqun, He Yigang. A Fault Diagnosis Method of Analog Circuit Based on Ridgelet Network. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2010, 25(6): 155-162.
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