Abstract:With the development of smart grid, on-line monitoring technology of transmission tower has become an important field of digital infrastructure. Furthermore, the problem of power supply of on-line monitoring equipment needs to be solved urgently. The energy required for monitoring equipment at the low voltage side of the tower can not be directly supplied by the high voltage side due to the limitation of insulation distance between high and low potential positions. Hence, the domino wireless power supply system was employed to supply power for the tower monitoring equipment in this paper, and the model was analyzed by using the mutual inductance coupling theory. Combined with the simulation, this paper further analyzed the influence of the domino coils position on the transmission performance of the system. The results show that the wireless power supply system, which is equipped with non-uniform domino coils, can achieve a better transmission performance when the transmission distance is constant. In the actual scene of 110 kV transmission line and the transmission distance is 1.015m, the non-uniform domino arrangement increases the transmission efficiency by 30% compared with the uniform domino arrangement, and meets the insulation requirements in high voltage environment.
王维, 曾振炜, 王劼忞, 杨靖宇. 输电杆塔无线供电系统非均匀多米诺单元性能分析与优化[J]. 电工技术学报, 2022, 37(17): 4315-4325.
Wang Wei, Zeng Zhenwei, Wang Jiemin, Yang Jingyu. Performance Analysis and Optimization of Non-Uniform Domino Unit in Wireless Power Supply System of Transmission Tower. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2022, 37(17): 4315-4325.
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