Study on the Coordination Strategy of Sharing Distributed Photovoltaic Energy Storage Hybrid Operation Mode Considering Overselling
Ye Chen1, Wang Beibei1, Xue Bike2, Feng Shuhai2
1. School of Electrical Engineering Southeast University Nanjing 210096 China; 2. Electric Power Research Institute of China Nanjing Sector Nanjing 210003 China
Abstract:With the increasingly prominent problems of energy shortage and environmental pollution, a large number of renewable energy and energy storage system(ESS) have begun to be connected to the user side. Due to the prominent problems caused by the intermittent output of renewable energy, studying the operation of photovoltaic energy storage in the electricity market environment is of great significance to improve the economic efficiency of users' electricity consumption, the utilization of ESS resources, and the absorption capacity of the system. Based on the background of the community, this paper draws on the oversold operation strategy of aviation and other fields and establishes an optimization model for the joint operation of sharing photovoltaic energy storage in the community aiming to maximize the total revenue of community users. A case simulation is carried out on the sharing photovoltaic energy storage community energy management system based on the oversold mode. The results show that in terms of exploring user enthusiasm in the initial promotion of the photovoltaic storage system, overselling a small amount of ESS resources in regulation market is a cost-effective operation strategy, making full use of ESS resources and promoting the integration of clean energy.
叶晨, 王蓓蓓, 薛必克, 冯树海. 考虑超售的共享分布式光储混合运营模式协同策略研究[J]. 电工技术学报, 2022, 37(7): 1836-1846.
Ye Chen, Wang Beibei, Xue Bike, Feng Shuhai. Study on the Coordination Strategy of Sharing Distributed Photovoltaic Energy Storage Hybrid Operation Mode Considering Overselling. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2022, 37(7): 1836-1846.
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