电工技术学报  2021, Vol. 36 Issue (12): 2576-2584    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.200428
电工理论 |
刘莎莎1,2, 王博文1,2, 黄文美1,2, 翁玲1,2, 高绍阳1,2
1.省部共建电工装备可靠性与智能化国家重点实验室(河北工业大学) 天津 300130;
2.河北工业大学河北省电磁场与电器可靠性重点实验室 天津 300130
Design and Output Characteristics of Bionic Magnetostrictive Tactile Sensor Array
Liu Shasha1,2, Wang Bowen1,2, Huang Wenmei1,2, Weng Ling1,2, Gao Shaoyang1,2
1. State Key Laboratory of Reliability and Intelligentization of Electrical Equipment Hebei University of Technology Tianjin 300130 China;
2. Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Apparatus Reliability of Hebei Province Hebei University of Technology Tianjin 300130 China
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摘要 受动物毛发的触觉机理启发,该文采用磁敏材料Galfenol细丝设计一种仿生磁致伸缩触觉传感单元。基于逆磁致伸缩效应、线性压磁方程和材料力学原理建立传感单元的输出特性模型,根据模型参数对传感单元进行结构优化以降低空间体积。在COMSOL中搭建传感阵列模型,分析阵列中磁场干扰对输出结果的影响。对3×3传感阵列进行输出特性测试,并将其装载于机械手上进行抓取实验。在H=1.6kA/m的偏置磁场下,传感单元在0~3N作用力下传感阵列输出电压呈线性变化,灵敏度为14.52mV/N,响应时间为30ms;在2N作用力下传感阵列的输出电压均值为96.94mV,灵敏度为48.47mV/N。实验结果表明,研制的传感阵列具有良好的稳定性与灵敏度,应用于机械手抓取物体时能够精确感知接触力信息。
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关键词 Galfenol细丝磁致伸缩传感单元传感阵列触觉感知    
Abstract:Inspired by the tactile mechanism of animal hair, a bionic magnetostrictive tactile sensing unit was designed using the magnetically sensitive material Galfenol filaments. Based on the inverse magnetostrictive effect, linear piezomagnetic equation and material mechanics, the output characteristic model of the sensing unit was established, and the structure of the sensing unit was optimized according to the model parameters to reduce the space volume. A sensor array model was built in COMSOL to analyze the influence of magnetic field interference on the output results. The output characteristics of the 3×3 sensor array were tested and loaded on the mechanical hand for grasping experiment. The experimental results show that, under a bias magnetic field of H=1.6kA/m, the output voltage of the sensing unit changes linearly under the force of 0-3N, the sensitivity is 15.87mV/N, and the response time is 30ms. Under the force of 2N, the average output voltage of the sensor array is 96.94mV, and the sensitivity is 48.47mV/N. The developed sensor array has good stability and sensitivity, and can accurately perceive the contact force information when the manipulator is used to grasp the object.
Key wordsGalfenol filament    magnetostrictive sensing unit    sensor array    tactile perception   
收稿日期: 2020-04-30     
PACS: TP212.1  
通讯作者: 王博文, 男,1956年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为新型磁性材料与器件。E-mail: bwwang@hebut.edu.cn   
作者简介: 刘莎莎,女,1995年生,硕士,研究方向为触觉传感器和新型磁性材料与器件。E-mail:Liusasaa@163.com
刘莎莎, 王博文, 黄文美, 翁玲, 高绍阳. 仿生磁致伸缩触觉传感阵列设计与输出特性[J]. 电工技术学报, 2021, 36(12): 2576-2584. Liu Shasha, Wang Bowen, Huang Wenmei, Weng Ling, Gao Shaoyang. Design and Output Characteristics of Bionic Magnetostrictive Tactile Sensor Array. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2021, 36(12): 2576-2584.
https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.200428          https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/Y2021/V36/I12/2576