Abstract:Electric vehicles (EV) have aroused extensive attention for their zero pollution, energy saving, low noise, and smooth starting. The wireless charging technology is one of the future development trends of power supply technique for EV due to its safety and convenient. This paper reviewed the current research progress and the industrial status of static wireless charging technology for EV. In addition, the related standards of wireless charging for EV and the progress of electromagnetic safety research were systematically introduced. Hot issues and the future of static wireless charging technology for EV in the process of commercialization were pointed out in the end.
吴理豪, 张波. 电动汽车静态无线充电技术研究综述(上篇)[J]. 电工技术学报, 2020, 35(6): 1153-1165.
Wu Lihao, Zhang Bo. Overview of Static Wireless Charging Technology for Electric Vehicles: Part Ⅰ. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2020, 35(6): 1153-1165.
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