电工技术学报  2019, Vol. 34 Issue (20): 4251-4263    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.181203
电力电子 |
SiC MOSFET的Saber建模及其在光伏并网逆变器中的应用和分析
周林, 李寒江, 解宝, 李海啸, 聂莉
输配电装备及系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室(重庆大学)重庆 400044
Saber Modeling of SiC MOSFET and Its Application and Analysis in Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Inverter
Zhou Lin, Li Hanjiang, Xie Bao, Li Haixiao, Nie Li
State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China
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摘要 SiC MOSFET高频、高效、高功率密度的特性符合光伏逆变器的发展趋势,但随之而来的开关振荡问题亟待解决。开关频率提升后,由于开关振荡的存在,可能导致高频下的并网电流波形质量下降,因此需要建立精准的模型来为SiC MOSFET在光伏逆变器中的应用提供指导。目前的SiC MOSFET模型大多基于Pspice的仿真环境建立的,不能用于包含复杂的电路拓扑和控制算法的仿真研究。基于Saber环境提出一种可以将SiC MOSFET与光伏逆变器结合的模型,通过双脉冲实验得出SiC MOSFET的器件特性,对SiC MOSFET的静态特性和非线性电容进行建模。最后将模型运用到光伏并网逆变器中,将仿真结果与搭建的光伏并网逆变器实验平台实测结果进行对比,并对SiC光伏并网逆变器在不同开关频率情况下的性能进行分析和研究,验证了模型的准确性和适用性。
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关键词 SiC MOSFET建模开关振荡高频SiC光伏并网逆变器    
Abstract:The high frequency, high efficiency and high power density characteristics of SiC MOSFET meet the development trend of PV inverter. However, the switching oscillation that comes with it needs to be solved urgently. Due to the existence of switching oscillations, the quality of grid- connected current waveform may be reduced after the switching frequency is increased. Therefore, an accurate model is necessary to provide guidance for the application of SiC MOSFET in PV inverter. Most of the current SiC MOSFET models are built on the Pspice simulation environment and cannot be used for simulation studies involving complex circuit topologies and control algorithms. Based on the Saber environment, a model combining SiC MOSFET with PV inverter is proposed in this paper. The device characteristics of SiC MOSFET are obtained by double pulse experiments, and the static characteristics and nonlinear capacitance of SiC MOSFET are modeled. Finally, the model is applied to PV grid-connected inverter, and the simulation results are compared with the measured results of the photovoltaic grid connected inverter test bench. The performance of the SiC PV grid-connected inverter under different switching frequencies is analyzed, which verifies the accuracy and applicability of the model.
Key wordsModeling of SiC MOSFET    switching oscillations    high frequency    SiC PV grid- connected inverter   
收稿日期: 2018-07-11      出版日期: 2019-10-30
PACS: TM464  
通讯作者: 李寒江 男,1994年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为SiC MOSFET在光伏并网逆变器中的应用。E-mail: lihanjiang@cqu.edu.cn   
作者简介: 周 林 男,1961年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为微电网及新能源并网发电。E-mail: zhoulin@cqu.edu.cn
周林, 李寒江, 解宝, 李海啸, 聂莉. SiC MOSFET的Saber建模及其在光伏并网逆变器中的应用和分析[J]. 电工技术学报, 2019, 34(20): 4251-4263. Zhou Lin, Li Hanjiang, Xie Bao, Li Haixiao, Nie Li. Saber Modeling of SiC MOSFET and Its Application and Analysis in Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Inverter. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2019, 34(20): 4251-4263.
https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.181203          https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/Y2019/V34/I20/4251