Abstract:The temperature rise of traction motor for vehicle directly affects the safety and reliability of the new energy vehicle traction system. The accurate calculation of temperature rise of motor and reasonable design of cooling system are of great significance for the new energy vehicle. In this paper, a permanent magnet synchronous motor with a rated power of 20kW was taken as an example. It compared three types of cooling channels: spiral type, axial Z-shaped and radial Z-shaped from the aspects of flow velocity, differential pressure and temperature rise. Through reasonable equivalent and assumptions, established a 3D thermal simulation model of the machine. Based on the fluid-solid coupling, the thermal simulation of the motor was carried out to analyze the temperature rise of the motor under different working conditions. By comparing and analyzing the temperature rise of the motor with different cooling water flow rates, the optimal velocity of the inlet of the motor waterway was selected. Finally, the temperature rise experiment was carried out with the optimal velocity as the inlet velocity of cooling water of the prototype to verify the correctness of the simulation analysis.
王小飞, 代颖, 罗建. 基于流固耦合的车用永磁同步电机水道设计与温度场分析[J]. 电工技术学报, 2019, 34(zk1): 22-29.
Wang Xiaofei, Dai Ying, Luo Jian. Waterway Design and Temperature Field Analysis of Vehicle Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Fluid-Solid Coupling. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2019, 34(zk1): 22-29.
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