Experimental Research on Adjustable Speed Drivers Tolerance to Voltage Sags and Quantitative Method Part I: Mechanism Analysis and Test Method
Tao Shun1, Tang Songhao1, Chen Cong2, Xiao Xiangning1
1. State Key Laboratory for Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. State Grid Electric Power Research Institute of Hangzhou Electric Power Company Hangzhou 310016 China
Abstract:Adjustable speed drivers (ASDs) are sensitive to voltage sags, and the tolerance to voltage sag is easily affected by different factors. In this paper, with the dynamic equations of DC circuit and asynchronous motor, mechanism analysis of ASDs’ factors (protection, control methods), load factors (load characteristics) and voltage sag characteristics (voltage sag types, pre/post-voltage sag magnitude, the shape of voltage sag) on ASD was carried out. On the basis of the analysis and existing standard, a voltage sag tolerance test method of ASD for full parameters was proposed. In view of the characteristics of the ASD tolerance curve, a selection method of test points that can improve the test efficiency to a certain extent was proposed, i.e. Improved Box-in method. It can provide a basis for quantifying the tolerance ability of ASDs to voltage sags and provide reference for standard setting, equipment manufacturing and power quality control.
陶顺, 唐松浩, 陈聪, 肖湘宁. 变频调速器电压暂降耐受特性试验及量化方法研究I:机理分析与试验方法[J]. 电工技术学报, 2019, 34(6): 1273-1281.
Tao Shun, Tang Songhao, Chen Cong, Xiao Xiangning. Experimental Research on Adjustable Speed Drivers Tolerance to Voltage Sags and Quantitative Method Part I: Mechanism Analysis and Test Method. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2019, 34(6): 1273-1281.
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