Abstract:Combining with the development and application of semiconductor technology and smart distribution grids, this paper discusses the power-electronized system and its characteristics of four aspects, and also analyzes its major demands. The power-electronization has changed the source-grid-load parameters and characteristics of traditional power systems. A new generation of power system presents the features of nonlinearity, highly sensibility, fast variation, impact and multi-energy regulation, which brings great challenges to high power quality and stable operation of power system. This paper summarized the typical problems, and pointed out that new concepts, new theories, new methods and new technical standards should be taken as a whole to solve problems. Supraharmonic is a new issue under the power-electronized background of distribution grids. This paper focuses on the origin, characteristics, hazards, propagation and electromagnetic compatibility standard of supraharmonics. Then from the aspects of frequency domain, time domain and time-frequency domain, this paper also introduces some suggested indexes for reference.
肖湘宁, 廖坤玉, 唐松浩, 范文杰. 配电网电力电子化的发展和超高次谐波新问题[J]. 电工技术学报, 2018, 33(4): 707-720.
Xiao Xiangning, Liao Kunyu, Tang Songhao, Fan Wenjie. Development of Power-Electronized Distribution Grids and the New Supraharmonics Issues. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2018, 33(4): 707-720.
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