电工技术学报  2017, Vol. 32 Issue (8): 108-113    DOI:
放电等离子体及应用专题 Ⅲ |
董冰岩1, 甘青青1, 孙宇1, 何俊文1, 谢文涓2
1. 江西理工大学资源与环境工程学院 赣州 341000 2. 江西理工大学机电学院 赣州 341000
Degradation of Formaldehyde by High Voltage Pulse Discharge Combined with Compound Catalyst
Dong Bingyan1, Gan Qingqing1, Sun Yu1, He Junwen1, Xie Wenjuan2
1. School of Resources and Environmental Engineering Jiangxi University of Science and Technology Ganzhou 341000 China;
2. School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Jiangxi University of Science and Technology Ganzhou 341000 China
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摘要 采用高压脉冲放电协同复合型催化剂对甲醛进行去除实验。通过溶胶凝胶法、分步浸渍-溶胶凝胶法制备Ti-Mn基等一系列催化剂,并对催化剂进行XRD、SEM、FT-IR表征。考察催化剂中Ti添加量、Ti和Mn的负载顺序对甲醛去除率的影响,分析脉冲放电对催化剂结构、形貌的影响。结果显示:在放电电压24kV,放电频率40Hz,同时添加含量比为1∶4的Ti和Mn制备的TiO2-MnOx/γ-Al2O3催化剂与放电等离子体协同去除甲醛效果最好,去除率可达97.5%。脉冲放电能够改变催化剂的结构和晶形,放电之后的TiO2-MnOx/γ-Al2O3催化剂表面粗糙度降低,细小的微孔增多,且放电低温等离子体能提高催化剂的活性,使催化剂活性吸附位增加,进一步加强了对甲醛的去除。
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关键词 脉冲放电复合型催化剂去除甲醛    
Abstract:Combined with composite catalyst, high voltage pulse discharge was adopted to degraded formaldehyde. The Ti-Mn catalysts were synthesized by sol-gel method and impregnation- sol-gel methods step by step, and XRD, SEM, FT-IR were used to describe the properties of the prepared catalysts. In addition, the influences of the added amount of Ti and the loading sequence of Ti, Mn in catalysts on the degradation rate of the formaldehyde were investigated. Meanwhile, the effects of the pulse discharge on the catalyst’s structure and morphology were also analyzed due to the characterization. The results showed that the optimal conditions for the formaldehyde degradation by prepared catalysts were 24kV of the pulse discharge voltage, 40Hz of the pulse discharge frequency, and 1∶4 of Ti to Mn for TiO2-MnOx/γ-Al2O3. The removal rate of formaldehyde reached 97.5% under the best condition. The pulse discharge could change the structure and morphology of catalysts. The roughness of the surface of TiO2-MnOx/γ-Al2O3 decreased, while small micropore increased after the pulse discharge. Besides, the discharge plasma improved catalytic activity and active adsorption sites of the catalysts, resulting in higher removal rate of formaldehyde.
Key wordsPulse    discharge,    complex    catalyst,    removal,    formaldehyde   
收稿日期: 2016-06-03      出版日期: 2017-05-02
PACS: O461.2+5  
作者简介: 董冰岩 男,1974年生,博士,教授,主要研究方向为放电等离子体技术在环境保护中的应用技术。E-mail: dongbingyan1@sina.com(通信作者);甘青青 女,1993年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为脉冲放电协同催化剂的制备、表征及放电活性测试。E-mail: 1085663825@qq.com
董冰岩, 甘青青, 孙宇, 何俊文, 谢文涓. 高压脉冲放电协同复合型催化剂去除甲醛的实验[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(8): 108-113. Dong Bingyan, Gan Qingqing, Sun Yu, He Junwen, Xie Wenjuan. Degradation of Formaldehyde by High Voltage Pulse Discharge Combined with Compound Catalyst. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2017, 32(8): 108-113.