唐雄民1 , 王翠2 , 彭永进2
1. 广东工业大学自动化学院 广州 510006 2. 湖南大学电气与信息工程学院 长沙 410082
An Equivalent Model of Dielectric-Barrier Discharge Type Ozonizer
Tang Xiongmin1 , Wang Cui2 , Peng Yongjin2
1. Guangdong University of Technology Guangzhou 510006 China 2. Hunan University Changsha 410082 China
摘要 介质阻挡放电(DBD)型臭氧发生器工作时存在放电和未放电两个模态, 因而其电源的设计非常繁琐。本文分析大量试验数据后发现, DBD型臭氧发生器上电压峰值与流过发生器的电流峰值和逆变电路的输出功率基本符合线性变化规律。基于这一特性, 本文提出了臭氧发生器的一种线性化的等效模型, 将它等效为与功率相关的电阻和容抗串联电路。并用此模型对主回路进行了分析计算, 给出其设计方法。与其他方法相比, 本文提出的主回路参数设计方法具有设计步骤少、计算简单和无需考虑DBD电路参数变化等优点, 可为工程中分析和设计臭氧发生器供电电源提供参考。实验结果验证了本文推导的正确性。
关键词 :
介质阻挡放电电路 ,
臭氧发生器 ,
曲线拟合 ,
Abstract :There exit discharge mode and non-discharge mode in dielectric-barrier discharge (DBD) type ozonizer, so it is very difficult to analyze and design the power supply for ozonizer. By analyzing experiment results, it is founded that peak voltage and peak current of ozonizer is basically proportional to output power of inverter. Based on the proportional relationship, an equivalent model of DBD type ozonizer is presented in the paper. The model is composed of a resistance and capacitive impedance. With the model of ozonizer, the power supply for DBD type ozonizer is analyzed and the design method is achieved. Compared with other design methods, the design method has less design steps, more simple calculation and is not necessary to deal with fluctuant parameters of ozonizer. The design method will be helpful for analyze and design power supply for ozonizer in industrial application. Experiment results validate the equivalent model and conclusions.
Key words :
Dielectric-barrier discharge circuit
curve fitting
equivalent model
收稿日期: 2008-06-20
出版日期: 2014-02-14
作者简介 : 唐雄民 男, 1977年生, 博士, 讲师, 主要从事电源系统及其测控技术的研究。王翠 女, 1973年生, 讲师, 博士研究生, 主要从事逆变电源及其控制技术的研究。
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Tang Xiongmin, Wang Cui, Peng Yongjin. An Equivalent Model of Dielectric-Barrier Discharge Type Ozonizer. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2009, 24(5): 220-224.
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