电工技术学报  2016, Vol. 31 Issue (3): 97-103    DOI:
高电压与绝缘技术 |
1.湖南大学电气与信息工程学院 长沙 410082
2.江苏省电力公司电力科学研究院 南京 211103
Research on Transient Characteristics of Secondary Arc Current of Ultra High Voltage Transmission Lines
Sun Qiuqin1 ,Wang Feng1 ,Liu Yang2, Zhou Zhicheng2
1.School of Electrical and Information Ehgineering Hunan University Changsha 410082 China
2. Jiangsu Electric Power Company Research Institute Nanjing 211103 China
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摘要 潜供电弧属于自由空气中的长间隙交流电弧,其燃弧时间与电流暂态特性密切相关。该文将潜供电流分解为稳态分量和自由分量,分别建立了对应的电路模型。采用EMTP计算了潜供电流的暂态过程。潜供电流的发展可分为3个阶段:前期,电流快速振荡,迅速衰减;中期,电流有比重较大的直流分量,衰减缓慢,易造成电流不过零,对熄弧产生影响;后期,电流自由分量衰减完毕,以稳态分量为主。自由分量是潜供电流暂态过程的决定性分量。分析了电弧电阻、并联补偿度、中性点小电抗及故障位置等参数对潜供电流暂态过程的影响;基于等效阻抗网络和拉普拉斯变换方法,推导了自由分量的振荡频率和衰减系数与系统参数的关系。区别于潜供电流的稳态分量,仿真与理论分析均表明潜供电弧电阻对自由分量起关键作用,电弧电阻值越大,自由分量衰减越快,越有利于熄弧。
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关键词 特高压潜供电流暂态特性拉普拉斯变换自由分量    
Abstract:The ssecondary arc is a type of long air gap AC arc burning in free space,whose arcing time is closely related to its current.This paper mainly focuses on the characteristics of the transient secondary arc current.Firstly,the current contains two parts,i.e. the natural component and the forced component,and the corresponding equivalent circuit models are developed respectively.Then,a series of simulations are carried out using EMTP.The results indicate that the secondary arc current can be divided into three stages based on their different characteristics.During the early stage,the current decays and oscillates drastically.Due to a great proportion of DC component in the middle stage,the current decays slowly and the zero-crossing time of the current is delayed.During the final stage,the current is mainly dominated by its forced component.The natural component mainly determines the transient secondary arc current process.In order to elucidate the mechanism of the transient of secondary arc current,the influences of the key factors,i.e. secondary arc resistance,shunt compensation degree,neutral reactor,and fault location,on the transient of secondary arc current are investigated in detail.Based on the equivalent impedance network together with the Laplace transform method,the formula for the oscillation frequency and the decay factor of the natural component as the functions of the system parameters are deduced.Both the simulation and the theoretical analysis show that the secondary arc resistance dominates the decay of the free component.Higher arc resistance can accelerate the decay of the free component and lead to shorter arcing time.
Key wordsUltra high voltage    secondary arc current    transient characteristics    Laplace transfer    free component   
收稿日期: 2014-04-22      出版日期: 2016-02-25
PACS: TM721.1  
作者简介: 孙秋芹 男,1984年生,博士,讲师,研究方向为输电线路过电压、电弧物理与建模。E-mail:inter276@163.com
孙秋芹,汪沨,刘洋,周志成. 特高压输电线路潜供电流的暂态特性研究[J]. 电工技术学报, 2016, 31(3): 97-103. Sun Qiuqin ,Wang Feng ,Liu Yang, Zhou Zhicheng. Research on Transient Characteristics of Secondary Arc Current of Ultra High Voltage Transmission Lines. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2016, 31(3): 97-103.