Application of Polynomial Chaos Expansion in Electrical Systems Considering Uncertainties: an Overview
Li Weilin1, 2, Zhang Xiaobin1, Ni Fei2, Yao Wenli1, Li Huimin3
1. Northwestern Polytechnical University Xi’an 710072 China; 2. RWTH Aachen University Achen 52074 Germany; 3. University of South Carolina Columbia SC 90089 USA
Abstract:Electrical engineering systems are commonly analyzed based on deterministic mathematical models with precisely defined input data. However, since such ideal situations are rarely encountered in practice, the need to address uncertainties is now clearly recognized, probabilistic methods are considered as possible solutions. Polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) is a new and powerful modeling approach for uncertain systems considering its fast computational capabilities compared with traditional methods, such as Monte Carlo. This paper gives a brief introduction on the basic concepts of PCE, as well as its expansion process. Different applications of PCE in the field of electrical engineering, such as PCE based observer, PCE based controller, sensor validation, protection schemes, as well as the distributed state estimation, have also been briefly investigated to show the capability of PCE in simulating uncertainties.
李伟林, 张晓斌, 倪菲, 姚文利, 李惠敏. 多项式混沌理论在电气系统不确定性研究中的应用概述[J]. 电工技术学报, 2015, 30(22): 247-255.
Li Weilin, Zhang Xiaobin, Ni Fei, Yao Wenli, Li Huimin. Application of Polynomial Chaos Expansion in Electrical Systems Considering Uncertainties: an Overview. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(22): 247-255.
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