1. Southwest Jiaotong University Chengdu 610031 China; 2. The Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Magnetic Suspension Technology and ;Maglev Vehicle Southwest Jiaotong University Chengdu 610031 China
Abstract:A zero-input-current-ripple high voltage gain non-isolated converter is proposed, which combines a zero-input-current-ripple boost cell with a couple inductor voltage doubler cell to achieve high step-up voltage gain with proper coupling factor. In addition, the passive lossless snubber circuit is adopted to recycle the leakage energy and therefore reduce the voltage spike stress of the switch. By utilizing a voltage-doubler cell consisting of a diode and capacitor, the voltage stress of the switch is further reduced and voltage spike of diode is eliminated, so voltage stress of diode is suppressed. Therefore, a low switch-on-resistance low-voltage-rated MOSFET for reducing the conduction loss and the cost can be employed. Furthermore, the proposed converter can achieve zero input current ripple, and therefore simplify the design of electromagnetic interference (EMI) filter. Principles and characteristics of the converter are discussed in detail. Finally, experimental results are presented to verify the analysis of the proposed converter.
陈章勇, 许建平, 吴建雪. 基于耦合电感倍压单元的零输入电流纹波高增益非隔离变换器[J]. 电工技术学报, 2015, 30(18): 25-34.
Chen Zhangyong, Xu Jianping, Wu Jianxue. Zero-Input-Current-Ripple Non-isolated High Voltage Gain Converter Based on Coupled Inductor Voltage-Doubler Cell. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(18): 25-34.
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