Abstract:In order to analyze total electric field with people or buildings below high voltage direct current (HVDC) lines in detail, three-dimensional ionized field calculation is urgently needed. Three-dimensional upstream finite element method, which could be applied for two poles 3D ionized field calculation, is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the method is used to calculate ion flow field of coaxial cylinder and concentric sphere model, and the numerical results agree very well with the analytical solutions. Then, it is applied to calculate the total electric field with building below HVDC lines, and its validity is proved by the simulation experiment results. At the same time, the method shows good convergence in the calculation procedure. It can be used to solve similar problems in other domain.
甄永赞, 崔翔, 罗兆楠, 卢铁兵, 陆家榆, 杨勇, 刘元庆, 韩辉, 鞠勇. 直流输电线路三维合成电场计算的有限元方法[J]. 电工技术学报, 2011, 26(4): 153-160.
Zhen Yongzan, Cui Xiang, Luo Zhaonan, Lu Tiebing, Lu Jiayu, Yang Yong, Liu Yuanqing, Han Hui, Ju Yong. FEM for 3D Total Electric Field Calculation Near HVDC Lines. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2011, 26(4): 153-160.
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