电工技术学报  2023, Vol. 38 Issue (4): 983-997    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.220386
电力电子 |
面向舰船综合电力系统的10 kV/2 MW模块化多电平双向直流变换器控制策略
刘计龙1, 陈鹏1,2, 肖飞1, 朱志超1, 黄兆捷1
1.海军工程大学舰船综合电力技术国防科技重点实验室 武汉 430033;
2.东南大学电气工程学院 南京 210096
Control Strategy of 10 kV/2 MW Modular Multilevel Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Vessel Integrated Power System
Liu Jilong1, Chen Peng1,2, Xiao Fei1, Zhu Zhichao1, Huang Zhaojie1
1. National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Vessel Integrated Power System Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China;
2. School of Electrical Engineering Southeast University Nanjing 210096 China
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摘要 由于电压等级高、模块化程度高、容错性能好等优势,模块化多电平双向直流变换器(MMBDC)非常适合在下一代舰船综合电力系统(IPS)中充当能量路由器的角色。然而,针对该变换器的控制策略存在端口电流不受控、环路耦合强、低频振荡显著等问题。为了解决上述问题,该文首先,建立构成MMBDC的子变换器数学模型,推导低频谐振点。其次,针对直流多端口模块化多电平子变换器提出基于陷波器的三环解耦控制策略,推导该策略的控制环路解耦特性,对控制框图进行了简化,并比较传统控制策略与所提控制策略的动态特性。最后,设计并制作了10 kV/2 MW级MMBDC工程样机,介绍绝缘设计、控制系统架构、电气柜结构布局等工程实现方法,并进行所提控制策略的满功率实验,验证了该文理论分析研究的有效性。
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关键词 舰船综合电力系统双向直流变换器中压直流变换器解耦控制策略    
Abstract:A Modular multilevel bidirectional DC-DC converter (MMBDC) is recommended as the energy router for DC power distribution of the next generation of the integrated power system (IPS) to interconnect the medium-voltage DC (MVDC) bus and the low-voltage DC (LVDC) bus. However, the traditional control strategies for MMBDC have uncontrolled MVDC side currents, highly coupled control loops, and unrestrained low-frequency resonance. It poses the threats of MVDC side overcurrent, the difficulty of designing control parameters, and poor dynamic performance. Therefore, this paper proposes a notch-filter-based triple-loop decoupling control strategy, and the effectiveness is validated through a 10 kV/2 MW engineering prototype.
Firstly, the fundamental topology of MMBDC is introduced, which is a cascaded system composed of multi-port modular multilevel DC-DC converter and dual active bridges (DAB). Secondly, the small-signal models of the sub-converters are established. The resonance frequency of MMBDC is derived by solving the transfer function. A generalized state space model is established for DAB to ensure accuracy at the high-frequency band. Thirdly, a triple-loop decoupling control strategy based on a notch filter is proposed, which consists of a double closed-loop control for average sub-module voltage and single closed-loop control for voltage balancing of each sub-module. The MVDC side current is selected as the inner-loop control objective of the average sub-module voltage control to eliminate the overcurrent risk. A notch filter is cascaded in the inner loop to suppress the low-frequency resonance. The control loops are decoupled by restricting the sum of the output of the voltage balancing control loop to 0. The decoupling characteristic and the simplification method of the proposed strategy are derived.
Simulations with sinusoidal small-signal inputs of different frequencies are implemented to depict the scatter chart of the frequency-domain characteristics of MMBDC, which is further compared with the theoretical bode diagram. The scatter chart shows high correspondence with the bode diagram. Then, the bode diagrams of the open-loop transfer functions with and without a notch filter are depicted to show the effect of the low-frequency resonance suppression. Finally, a 10 kV/2 MW engineering prototype of MMBDC is established. The design procedures of the components, insulation, control system, and cabinet structure are presented. Static experiments of the proposed strategy are conducted under six load conditions, two load resistors (0.5 Ω and 0.937 5 Ω) multiplied by three kinds of LVDC voltages (800 V, 900 V, 1 000 V). The static experiment results indicate that under full-load conditions, the operating frequency is 95.4 %, and the ripple of the LVDC voltage is 0.49 %. Dynamic experiments are conducted through a sudden change of the load resistor. During the sudden load increase, the fluctuations of the sub-module voltage and LVDC voltage are 6.58 % and 7.30 %, and the settling time is 0.35 s. During the sudden load decrease, the voltage fluctuations are 4.66 % and 9.95 %, and the settling time is 0.40 s. Moreover, the LVDC bus of MMBDC is connected to supercapacitors to study the performance of the proposed control strategy under bidirectional power control. The charging and discharging current references are set to 160 A and -1 000 A, respectively.
The following conclusions are drawn: (1) The high correspondence of the simulated and theoretical frequency-domain characteristics shows the accuracy of the established model and the derived resonance frequency of MMBDC, which exactly corresponds to the series resonance frequency of the MVDC inductor and the switching capacitors. (2) The static and dynamic experiment results show that the proposed strategy avoids the risk of the MVDC side overcurrent by selecting the MVDC current as the control, suppresses the low-frequency resonance with the notch filter, and realizes the decoupling control by restricting the sum of the output of the voltage balancing control to 0. (3) The experimental results verify the effectiveness of the engineering prototype design, providing practical experiences for the same type of devices.
Key wordsVessel integrated power system    bidirectional DC-DC converter    medium-voltage DC-DC converter    decoupling control strategy   
收稿日期: 2022-03-17     
PACS: TM46  
通讯作者: 陈鹏 男,1994年生,博士,研究方向为大容量电能变换技术、人工智能在电力电子中的应用。E-mail: seueelab_cp@163.com   
作者简介: 刘计龙 男,1988年生,研究员,研究方向为大容量电能变换技术、永磁电机驱动技术。E-mail: 66976@163.com
刘计龙, 陈鹏, 肖飞, 朱志超, 黄兆捷. 面向舰船综合电力系统的10 kV/2 MW模块化多电平双向直流变换器控制策略[J]. 电工技术学报, 2023, 38(4): 983-997. Liu Jilong, Chen Peng, Xiao Fei, Zhu Zhichao, Huang Zhaojie. Control Strategy of 10 kV/2 MW Modular Multilevel Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Vessel Integrated Power System. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2023, 38(4): 983-997.
https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.220386          https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/Y2023/V38/I4/983