Multi-Objective Optimization Scheduling Method Considering Peak Regulating Market Transactions for Energy Storage - New Energy - Thermal Power
Li Junhui1, An Chenyu1, Li Cuiping1, Zhang Jingxiang1, Liu Ruitong2
1. Key Laboratory of Modern Power System Simulation and Control & Renewable Energy Technology Ministry of Education Northeast Electric Power University Jilin 132012 China; 2. Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Co. Ltd Shenyang 110006 China
Abstract:Large scale new energy access poses challenges to power grid peak shaving. How to improve the grid connection rate of new energy while taking into account the economic benefits of peak shaving resources has become an important problem that needs to be solved urgently. Therefore, this paper proposes a multi-objective optimization dispatching method of energy storage new energy thermal power under the electricity market environment, which considers the abandonment of wind and light. This paper first designs the trading mechanism of energy storage new energy thermal power peak shaving market according to the current peak shaving policy, and establishes a new energy trading power model, a bidding model and a thermal power bidding model based on the current peak shaving rules, with the wind abandonment rate and light abandonment rate as the benchmark. Secondly, through bilateral transactions between new energy, energy storage and thermal power, with the bid winning power of new energy and system peak shaving cost as multiple objectives, the output of thermal power units, bid winning power of new energy, energy storage charging and discharging power and clearing price are optimized. In order to verify the effectiveness of the above control strategies, this paper takes a region in Northeast China as an example, and conducts numerical simulation by selecting typical daily system operation data. The specific conclusions are as follows: First of all, this paper constructs a new energy trading power model and a new energy quotation model for the situation of new energy abandoning wind and light. The model can fully reflect the trading willingness of new energy stations in each period and improve the enthusiasm of new energy stations to participate in the peak shaving market by taking the wind abandonment rate and light abandonment rate in each period as the benchmark. Secondly, by setting up three scenarios to verify, compared with the market model of “unilateral transaction of thermal power units” in Scenario 1 and the market model of “bilateral transaction of new energy thermal power” in Scenario 2, the optimal dispatching strategy proposed in this paper reduces the wind abandonment rate and light abandonment rate of typical new energy stations by 4.21%, 5.26%, 1.77% and 2.25% respectively, and the new energy consumption capacity of the power system is significantly improved. Finally, the optimized dispatching strategy proposed in this paper can improve the economic benefits of peak shaving of market players while reducing the wind abandonment rate and light abandonment rate: in typical days, the net cost of peak shaving of thermal power units decreases by 56 100 CNY compared with the "thermal power unilateral" trading mode, and the net income of wind farms and photovoltaic power plants increases by 305 200 CNY and 90 100 CNY respectively. At the same time, when the net income of energy storage participating in market transactions is converted to the full life cycle, the cost coverage rate can reach 212.94%, and the economic benefits of market players for peak shaving can be significantly improved.
李军徽, 安晨宇, 李翠萍, 张靖祥, 刘芮彤. 计及调峰市场交易的储能-新能源-火电多目标优化调度[J]. 电工技术学报, 2023, 38(23): 6391-6406.
Li Junhui, An Chenyu, Li Cuiping, Zhang Jingxiang, Liu Ruitong. Multi-Objective Optimization Scheduling Method Considering Peak Regulating Market Transactions for Energy Storage - New Energy - Thermal Power. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2023, 38(23): 6391-6406.
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