A Method of Seismic Disaster Risk Assessment for the Traction Power Supply System
Sun Xiaojun1, Lin Sheng1, Zhang Qiang1, Feng Ding1, Tan Lei2
1. School of Electrical Engineering Southwest Jiaotong University Chengdu 611756 China; 2. China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd Chengdu 610031 China
Abstract:The safe and reliable operation of the traction power supply system of electrified railways is of great importance. However, the system is threatened by earthquake disasters in some regions. To effectively evaluate the risk level of the traction power supply system under earthquake disasters, this paper first uses Monte Carlo method to simulate earthquake disasters to obtain the peak ground acceleration that characterizes the ground motion intensity, and then establishes a directed graph logic model of the system by analyzing the main wiring of the system. On this basis, the risk indicators are defined by considering factors such as the system outage probability, the key equipment loss, and the outage time, and a method of earthquake disaster risk assessment for the traction power supply system is proposed. Finally, the traction power supply system of an electrified railway under construction in southwest China is taken as an example to evaluate the risk level of the system under earthquake disasters. The results show that the method proposed in this paper can effectively quantify the risk level of the traction power supply system under earthquake disasters. It can achieve rapid loss assessment after the earthquake, guide post-disaster rescue and emergency resource deployment, and provide a theoretical basis for the seismic design of the traction power supply system.
孙小军, 林圣, 张强, 冯玎, 谭磊. 一种牵引供电系统地震灾害风险评估方法[J]. 电工技术学报, 2021, 36(23): 4970-4980.
Sun Xiaojun, Lin Sheng, Zhang Qiang, Feng Ding, Tan Lei. A Method of Seismic Disaster Risk Assessment for the Traction Power Supply System. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2021, 36(23): 4970-4980.
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