Research Progress on the Superconducting DC Energy Pipeline
Zhang Guomin1,2,3, Chen Jianhui1,2,3, Qiu Qingquan1,2, Jing Liwei1,2, Teng Yuping1,2, Zhao Yanxing4, Jiang Xiaohua5, Tan Hongbo6, Gong Maoqiong4, Li Zhenming7, Qiu Ming7, Zhang Hongjie7
1. Key Laboratory of Applied Superconductivity Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Beijing 100190 China; 2. Institute of Electrical Engineering CAS Beijing 100190 China; 3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049 China; 4. Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry CAS Beijing 100080 China; 5. Department of Electrical Engineering Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China; 6. School of Energy and Power Engineering Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi'an 710049 China; 7. Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100192 China
Abstract:The combination of superconducting transmission technology and LNG pipeline transportation technology to form an energy pipeline to transport LNG and electricity at the same time, can not only alleviate the tension of energy channels but also improve energy transmission efficiency and economy by using LNG to cool superconducting cables, which is a promising energy transmission mode. Therefore, supported by the national "smart grid and equipment" key research and development plan, we carried out the basic research on the superconducting DC energy pipeline. This paper mainly introduces the research progress of the superconducting DC energy pipeline project in the recent one and a half year, which includes: the low-temperature liquid-solid transition mechanism, the heat transfer and flow characteristics of mixed LNG mixtures, the dynamic stability criterion of integrated power/LNG transportation, the experimental platform and preliminary experimental results for safety and fault evolution analysis, and the development and test of the 10m/10kV energy pipeline prototype.
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