Abstract:During the operation of HTS cable, it is inevitable to encounter thermal disturbance. If the thermal disturbance is large enough, local quench will occur and spread along the cable. By establishing the equivalent circuit model and one-dimensional heat transfer model, the coupling solution of electric field and temperature field was realized in this paper. The quench and recovery characteristics in the superconducting cable were obtained, and the influence of liquid nitrogen flow rate and heat pulse energy on the quench propagation was considered. The results show that when the thermal disturbance energy is lower than the critical recovery energy, the cable returns to superconducting stage by the cooling of liquid nitrogen. Otherwise, the local quench will propagate, leading to the whole quench of HTS. With the increase of Nusselt number, the critical pulse energy of recovery increases exponentially. The recovery time has a power law relationship with the liquid nitrogen flow rate. The analysis results provide the theoretical basis for the stable operation of HTS cables.
祝乘风, 厉彦忠, 谭宏博, 史佳敏, 聂杨. 热扰动冲击下的高温超导电缆失超恢复特性[J]. 电工技术学报, 2021, 36(18): 3884-3890.
Zhu Chengfeng, Li Yanzhong, Tan Hongbo, Shi Jiamin, Nie Yang. Numerical Analysis on the Quench and Recovery of the High Temperature Superconducting Cable Subjected to Thermal Disturbance. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2021, 36(18): 3884-3890.
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