Abstract:The brushless DC motor (BLDCM) servo systems have been widely used in industry applications. But the torque ripple limits the using range of the BLDCM in high precision conditions. This paper propose a novel hybrid PWM control method based on current feedback to reduce the torque ripple in BLDCM with non-ideal back-EMF. The reference current used to produce the target torque is obtained through back-EMF observer, and the proposed control method realizes the torque direct control. Two different PWM control strategies are used to suppress the commutation torque ripple at high and low speeds. The system with the proposed method has the features of low torque ripple and large torque output. Simulation and experimental are set up with Matlab/Simulink to prove the torque control and compare torque ripple. Simulation and experiment results show the proposed method can significantly eliminate the torque ripple and enhance the accuracy of position control for servo system.
夏鲲, 董斌, 卢晶. 一种基于电流反馈的分段式PWM控制无刷直流电机转矩波动抑制方法[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(17): 172-179.
Xia Kun, Dong Bin, Lu Jing. Research on Hybrid PWM Control Method with Current Feedback for Torque-Ripple Reduction in BLDCM. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2017, 32(17): 172-179.
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