电工技术学报  2015, Vol. 30 Issue (13): 47-55    DOI:
能源互联网 |
1.大连理工大学 电气工程学院 大连 116024
2.沈阳工业大学电气工程学院 沈阳 110870
3.沈阳工业大学(营口)工程技术研究院 营口 115200
Investigations on the HVDC Vacuum Circuit Breaker Based on Intelligent Models
Zou Jiyan1,Liu Xiaoming2,3,Yu Deen2
1. School of Electrical Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116024 China
2. School of Electrical Engineering Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110870 China
3. Shenyang University of Technology (Yingkou) Institute of Engineering and Technology Yingkou 115200 China
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摘要 作为能源互联网重要组成部分的智能电网近年来发展迅速,其中高压直流输电以交流系统不可替代的优点,在可再生能源如风电与光伏发电集电网等方面具有广泛的应用前景。但目前为止,担负着控制和保护双重任务的核心组件——高压直流断路器自主研发仍存在技术瓶颈。该文通过高压直流短路开断的典型方案分析,提出了基于快速机构与联动关合的换流开断技术,给出由直流智能真空开关模块串联组成HVDC断路器的总体设计方案,为高压直流断路器的发展开辟一条新的路径。在直流真空开关分断过程分析中,分别利用连续过渡模型、Farrall公式、击穿统计特性对直流真空断路器电弧强迫过零点弧后介质恢复前期、中期及后期进行数值仿真分析,并采用对照分析方法分析介质恢复各阶段主要影响因素及其效应。该研究引用交流系统智能真空开关模块串联开断的成功经验探索HVDC短路开断新的路径,并给出了直流电弧分断过程的零区分析,可指导直流真空开关模块的开发。
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关键词 能源互联网智能电网智能模块高压直流真空断路器介质恢复    
Abstract:As an important part of InterGrid (energy internet),the smart grid has been developed rapidly in recent years.High voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission,which has irreplaceable advantages in the smart grid,is widely used in renewable energy,such as wind and photo-voltaic collector power grid.But so far,the core component for control and protection of the system,HVDC circuit breaker,still exists R&D technical bottleneck.By analyzing the typical scheme of HVDC breaking,this paper proposes the current commutation breaking technique based on rapid mechanism and linkage closing,provides the overall scheme of HVDC short-circuit breaking composed of serial connected DC intelligent vacuum current breakers (VCB),and opens up a new possible solution to HVDC circuit breakers.For analyzing the HVDC breaking process,the continuous transition model (CTM),Farrall formula,and breakdown statistical property is used in the numerical simulation of the early,medium,the final stage of the dielectric recovery process respectively in the region where arc is forced to zero.At the same time,the main affecting factors and their effects for each dielectric recovery stage are analyzed by using contrast analysis method.By introducing the successful experience of AC system breaking with serial connected intelligent vacuum interrupter modules,this paper explores a new path for HVDC short breaking.The zero region analysis of the DC vacuum arc breaking process is given,which can help the development of DC intelligent vacuum interrupter modules.
Key wordsInterGrid    smart grid    intelligent module    HVDC VCB    dielectric recovery   
收稿日期: 2015-02-14      出版日期: 2015-09-14
PACS: TM561  
通讯作者: 邹积岩 男,1954年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为智能化开关电器理论及应用、高电压新技术及其应用、电力设备智能检测等。   
作者简介: 刘晓明 女,1968年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为现代电器设计与应用、高电压与绝缘技术、智能电器等。
邹积岩,刘晓明,于德恩. 基于智能模块的高压直流真空断路器研究[J]. 电工技术学报, 2015, 30(13): 47-55. Zou Jiyan ,Liu Xiaoming ,Yu Deen. Investigations on the HVDC Vacuum Circuit Breaker Based on Intelligent Models. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(13): 47-55.