电工技术学报  2015, Vol. 30 Issue (10): 164-170    DOI:
电机与电器 |
王正齐1, 2, 黄学良1, 3
1. 东南大学电气工程学院 南京 210096 2. 南京工程学院电力工程学院 南京 211167;
3. 江苏省智能电网技术与装备重点实验室 南京 210096
Nonlinear Decoupling Control for Bearingless Induction Motor Based on Support Vector Machines Inversion
Wang Zhengqi1, 2, Huang Xueliang1, 3
1. Southeast University Nanjing 210096 China;
2. Nanjing Institute of Technology Nanjing 211167 China;
3. Key Laboratory of Smart Grid Technology and Equipment in Jiangsu Province Nanjing 210096 China
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摘要 无轴承异步电机是非线性、多变量和强耦合的系统,实现其电磁转矩和径向悬浮力之间的动态解耦控制是电机稳定悬浮运行的关键。本文采用基于最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)α阶逆系统的方法对无轴承异步电机进行解耦控制。将用LS-SVM辨识出的无轴承异步电机逆系统串联在原系统之前,使复杂的非线性原系统解耦成四个独立的伪线性子系统——两个径向位移子系统、一个速度子系统和一个转子磁链子系统,然后根据线性系统理论进行系统综合。最后的仿真试验研究表明,基于LS-SVM α阶逆系统方法能够实现无轴承异步电机悬浮力和旋转力之间的动态解耦控制。
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关键词 无轴承异步电机 最小二乘支持向量机 α阶逆系统 动态解耦控制    
Abstract:The bearingless induction motor is a nonlinear, multi-variable and strongly coupled system. To achieve rotor suspension and rotation steadily, it is necessary to realize dynamic decoupling control between torque and suspension force. In this paper, the control strategy based on least squares support vector machines(LS-SVM)α-th order inverse system method is applied to realize the decoupling control for bearingless induction motor. By cascading the inverse system of the bearingless induction motor identified by LS-SVM with the original one, the nonlinear bearingless induction motor system is decoupled into four independent pseudo-linear subsystems, that is, two radial displacement subsystems,a speed subsystem and a rotor flux subsystem. Then, linear control system techniques are applied to these linear subsystems to synthesize and simulation. The study shows that this kind of control strategy can realize dynamic decoupling control between torque and suspension forces of the bearingless induction motor.
Key wordsBearingless induction motor    least squares support vector machines    α    -th order inverse system    dynamic decoupling control   
收稿日期: 2013-11-21      出版日期: 2015-06-29
PACS: TP346  
作者简介: 王正齐 ,男,1984年生,博士后,讲师,研究方向为无轴承电机、电机控制等。黄学良 ,男,1969年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为无线电能传输技术、新型能量转换技术、电力电子技术与应用等。
王正齐, 黄学良. 基于支持向量机逆系统轴承异步电机非线性解耦控制[J]. 电工技术学报, 2015, 30(10): 164-170. Wang Zhengqi, Huang Xueliang. Nonlinear Decoupling Control for Bearingless Induction Motor Based on Support Vector Machines Inversion. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(10): 164-170.