电工技术学报  2024, Vol. 39 Issue (24): 7651-7662    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.232133
电工理论 |
王颖杰, 陈永发, 胡秋恺, 郭文中
中国矿业大学电气工程学院 徐州 221008
Small Signal Analysis and Design of High Power Electromagnetic Transmitter for Deep Geophysical Electromagnetic Exploration
Wang Yingjie, Chen Yongfa, Hu Qiukai, Guo Wenzhong
School of Electrical Engineering China University of Mining and Technology Xuzhou 221008 China
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摘要 大功率电磁发射机发射波形的好坏严重影响着深地电磁探测的准确性。为解决大功率电磁发射机动态性能低导致的发射波形质量差的问题,提出输入并联输出串联外+中点钳位(IPOS+NPC)型大功率电磁发射机结构及控制策略,建立IPOS组合供电小信号模型,对其电流内环、均压环、总电压外环及负载电流反馈控制环等进行环路设计优化,并设计两种假负载接入方式下NPC三电平发射桥调制策略,分析并提出基于时间补偿的中点电位平衡方法。最后,研发一台1 500 V/110 kW IPOS+NPC型大功率电磁发射机样机,通过仿真和样机野外测试证明了所提控制策略及设计的有效性。
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关键词 电磁发射机全桥变换器电流前馈均压控制中点电位    
Abstract:Electromagnetic detection technology has the advantages of high accuracy, high efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and stealthiness, which is highly promising in applications such as deep mineral exploration, deep geological monitoring, and deep defense engineering site selection. Electromagnetic detection mainly includes electromagnetic transmitters and electromagnetic receivers. Electromagnetic transmitters require high current, high precision in steady state, and fast variation in dynamic state. This paper proposes the IPOS+NPC type high-power electromagnetic transmitter structure and control strategy to solve the poor waveform quality problem caused by the low dynamic performance of high-power electromagnetic transmitters.
Firstly, the combination control strategy of IPOS and power supply system is designed. The small signal transfer function of the IPOS and power supply combination is established, and the open-loop transfer function Bode plot is analyzed on the current inner loop, voltage-sharing loop, total voltage outer loop, and load current feedback control loop. The parameters of each loop's PI controller are designed and optimized.
Secondly, the NPC three-level transmission bridge modulation strategy is proposed. Two types of dummy loads are designed to be connected to suppress large load variation disturbance on the front stage of the IPOS and power supply combination. The modulation strategy for balancing the neutral point potential of the three-level transmission bridge under two types of dummy load connection is compared. The performance advantage of dummy load type 2 is verified. A time compensation method is provided for balancing the neutral point potential under dummy load type 2.
A simulation model and an experimental prototype of a 1 500 V/110 kW IPOS+NPC electromagnetic transmitter with four full-bridge converters are built. Load variation experiments are conducted on the closed-loop control system with or without load current feedback. The simulation results show that when the load current feedback is present, the adjustment time of the converter output voltage Vg_1 is significantly reduced, and the dynamic response of the electromagnetic transmitter system is rapid. During load variation and steady state, the balance of output voltage and current between the full-bridge converters can be achieved, which has good voltage and current regulation accuracy. The IPOS combination and the neutral point of the three-level transmission bridge are disconnected to verify the balancing effect of the modulation strategy. Simulations with different compensation times show the correctness of the time compensation method for balancing the neutral point potential under the proposed dummy load type 2.
Finally, a high-power electromagnetic transmitter prototype is developed, including an uncontrolled rectifier module, IPOS combination, three-level transmission bridge, dummy load module, controller, and host computer. Field tests demonstrate that the electromagnetic transmitter has the advantages of high power, high voltage, good dynamic performance, and excellent waveform quality. The signal received by a drone in coordination with the high-power electromagnetic transmitter shows clear electromagnetic pulse signals, good repeatability, and consistency.
Key wordsElectromagnetic transmitter    full bridge converter    current feedforward    voltage-sharing control    neutral point potential   
收稿日期: 2023-12-21     
PACS: TM46  
通讯作者: 王颖杰 男,1979年生,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为电力电子新技术、新能源与智能电网、储能技术、电磁探测技术等。E-mail: wyj971@126.com   
作者简介: 陈永发 男,1998年生,硕士,研究方向为电力电子新技术。E-mail: 1819674569@qq.com
王颖杰, 陈永发, 胡秋恺, 郭文中. 深地探测用大功率电磁发射机控制系统小信号分析与设计[J]. 电工技术学报, 2024, 39(24): 7651-7662. Wang Yingjie, Chen Yongfa, Hu Qiukai, Guo Wenzhong. Small Signal Analysis and Design of High Power Electromagnetic Transmitter for Deep Geophysical Electromagnetic Exploration. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2024, 39(24): 7651-7662.
https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.232133          https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/Y2024/V39/I24/7651