Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society  2019, Vol. 34 Issue (6): 1319-1328    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.180174
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Comparison on Discharge Characteristics of the Helium Plasma Jet Array Excited by Alternating Current and Nanosecond Pulse Voltage
Zhang Bo, Wang Lifeng, Liu Feng, Wan Meng, Fang Zhi
School of Electrical Engineering and Control Science Nanjing Tech University Nanjing 211816 China

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Abstract  To obtain the stable atmospheric pressure low-temperature plasma jet with large scale and good uniformity, a one-dimensional plasma jet array discharge in He was generated excited by alternating-current (AC) and nanosecond (ns) pulse voltage. Discharge characteristics and parameters of the jet arrays were compared, including the uniformity, instantaneous power, averaged power and intensities of optical emission spectrum. The hydrodynamic and electrical interactions among jets were analyzed by capturing the Schlieren images of gas channels and estimating the effect of Coulomb force among jets. The results show that the jet array excited by ns-pulse voltage can improve the downstream uniformity, increase plasma plume length, instantaneous power and intensity of optical emission spectrum, and reduce averaged power consumption. Different from the case in AC excitation, the jet array excited by ns pulse voltage has nearly no divergence in the lateral plumes. The ns pulse power source can also reduce the effects of gas heating and Coulomb repulsion force, thereby suppressing the hydrodynamic and electrical interaction among jets, which is the main reason for improving the uniformity of downstream plume.
Key wordsPlasma jet      jet array      high frequency AC      ns pulse      discharge characteristics      uniformity     
Received: 28 January 2018      Published: 29 March 2019
PACS: TM213  
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Articles by authors
Zhang Bo
Wang Lifeng
Liu Feng
Wan Meng
Fang Zhi
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Zhang Bo,Wang Lifeng,Liu Feng等. Comparison on Discharge Characteristics of the Helium Plasma Jet Array Excited by Alternating Current and Nanosecond Pulse Voltage[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2019, 34(6): 1319-1328.
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