Selective Harmonic Current Control Strategy Based on Frequency Adaptive Generalized Integrators |
Xie Chuan1, He Chao2, Yan Hui2, Yang Hua3, Chen Guozhu2 |
1. University of Electronics and Science Technology of China Chengdu 611731 China 2. Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China3. Juche Science-technology Co., LTD Huzhou 313100 China |
Abstract To improve the compensation performance of three-phase shunt active power filter (APF), a novel current control strategy is proposed based on frequency adaptive generalized integrators (GI). The method employs an array of generalized integrators, one for the fundamental, and one for each harmonic, implemented in stationary frame. Because of the characteristics of the GI of the infinite open loop gain and high selectivity, zero steady-state error and selective compensation of harmonics are achieved. The proposed controller is designed directly in Z-domain in order to eliminate the unexpected loss of gain and detuning of GI during digitalization processing. The frequency adaptive of the GI is realized by keeping the number of samples per fundamental fixed, and high compensation precision at the each harmonics in the presence of grid frequency variation is achieved. The effectiveness of the control scheme proposed is verified completely by experimental results.
Received: 13 October 2011
Published: 25 March 2014
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