Research on Harmonic Resonance Characteristic of High-Speed Railway Traction Net Considering Coupling of Trains and Traction Nets |
Cui Hengbin, Feng Xiaoyun, Lin Xuan, Wang Qingyuan |
Southwest Jiaotong University Chengdu 610031 China |
Abstract To analyze the influences of coupling between trains and traction nets on harmonic resonance characteristics of traction nets used in high-speed railways, the mechanism of four-quadrant converter pulse wave is analyzed based on the sinusoidal cutting model. Combined with the bilateral Fourier series and the Bessel function, the calculation formula of harmonic load current flowing into a high-speed train is derived, and a Norton harmonic load model considering the coupling between trains and traction nets is proposed. Harmonic resonance modal analysis based on both current source and Norton harmonic load models are made, and the results show that the coupling between trains and traction nets produces an effect on harmonic resonance characteristics. Considering the coupling between trains and traction nets, further studies of changes of harmonic resonance frequencies are made when a train runs in different modes, different positions and when several trains run together. In the end, influences of capacitive, inductive and resistive elements separately paralleled in section post, auto-transformer post and power substation on traction-net harmonic resonance frequencies are discussed.
Received: 23 August 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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