Resonance Suppression Method of Current Source Active Power Filter Based on Instantaneous Comparison Control |
Wu Jian, Liu Yuchao, Li Xiaomeng, Dong Mingxuan, Xu Dianguo |
Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China |
Abstract Active power filter is an effective means to deal with the harmonic pollution in the power grid. This paper presents a current control method based on instantaneous comparison for active power filter. On this basis, according to the current resonance phenomenon caused by the active filter control, this paper presents a control method based on the harmonic voltage and harmonic current active damping. When active power filter works by detecting the load current, if the load current includes a capacitive current, then the system may present risk of resonance effect, which affect the system stability and harmonic compensation. Through detecting of the supply voltage, supply current and load side current, this paper adopts double feedback damping control based on the voltage harmonic and current harmonic to avoid the occurrence of resonance system and ensure the optimal harmonic compensation effect. The simulation and experimental results prove that the proposed current control method for active power filter is effective.
Received: 07 September 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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