Evidence Theory Based Fault-Tolerant Method for Protective Relays in Digital Substations |
Zhu Lin, Duan Xianzhong, Su Sheng, Li Yinhong |
Electric Power Security and High Efficiency Lab Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China |
Abstract In digital substations, sampled values information in process level will be transmitted via shared communication network, which makes it possible to identify false data using redundant information. A new method based on information fusion theory is proposed to detect the false data and prevent protective relays from mal-operation. Some crucial issues of the method are introduced and analyzed, such as creation of evidence, selection of fusion information and flow chart of the fault-tolerant algorithm. Simulation results show the availability of the fault-tolerant method. The information fusion algorithm and protection algorithm can be processed concurrently because they spend nearly the same time on calculation. In addition, data collection systems can also be supervised and diagnosed online with this method.
Received: 26 May 2009
Published: 07 March 2014
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