Audible Noise Reduction Measures for Filter Capacitors in HVDC Converter Station |
Wu Peng1, Ji Shengchang1, Cao Tao1, Li Yanming1, Li Xiaolin2, Li Yan2, Yao Yifeng3 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation for Power Equipment Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi'an 710049 China 2. CSG Technology Research Center Guangzhou 510623 China 3. Nissin Electric Co., Ltd Wuxi 214028 China |
Abstract Audible noise of the filter capacitors in the HVDC converter station is severe and exceeds the noise level limit, and therefore needs to be reduced. Two audible noise reduction measures, double-bottom capacitor and overlap placement of capacitors, are proposed for a capacitor and capacitor stack respectively. Firstly, theory of designing double-bottom capacitor and simulation of sound fields about capacitor stack with regular placement and overlap placement are given. Secondly, some experiment on comparing audible noise reduction measures with regular condition are done and results validate that these measures could be effective to reduce audible noise of filter capacitors. The reduction are about 10dB of double-bottom capacitor and the overlap placement of capacitors can reduce audible noise in the main radiation zone.
Received: 07 July 2009
Published: 07 March 2014
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