Experimental Investigation of Humidity Impact on Positive Corona Current Pulse and Its Radio Interference of Stranded Conductors |
Liu Yang,Cui Xiang,Lu Tiebing,Xiang Yu,Wang Xiaobo,Li Xuebao,Zhang Hong |
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract To investigate the humidity impact on radio interference due to positive corona, a positive corona discharge experimental platform for stranded conductor is built. To get rid of the influence of other factors, the relative humidity is taken as the unique variable which is artificially controlled in the range of 40%~85%. Applying the impedance-matching technique to the test line’s terminals, the corona current pulses on the stranded conductor are accurately measured and the influence of the humidity on positive corona current pulses and their radio interference is investigated. Some regularities are found as the humidity increases: new discharge points arises,whereas the amplitudes of the pulses produced by the new discharge points are usually very small; the average amplitude of the corona pulses decreases and the repetition rate of the corona pulses firstly increases and attains the maximum at humidity of 60%~75%, and then decreases as the humidity further increases; the rise time, time to half value and duration time of the pulse will be greatly shortened in the range of 40%~60%, whereas no regularities are found in the range of 60%~80%; the spectral density of the corona current decreases, which means that an increase of humidity will cause a decrease of radio interference.
Received: 26 December 2013
Published: 13 April 2015
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