Influence of Voltage Types on Composite Insulator Icing and Flashover Characteristics |
Hu Qin,Yuan Wei,Shu Lichun,Jiang Xingliang,Wang Shijing |
State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400030 China |
Abstract In recent years, the AC energized icing of composite insulators have been studied by the researcher around the world much, but not much about the influence of DC voltage on composite insulators icing and flashover characteristics. This paper applies voltage 0kV, 10kV, 20kV, 30kV of different types to 35kV ice-covered composite insulators in the artificial climate chamber, compares the difference of composite insulator icing and flashover characteristics, studies the influence mechanism of voltage types, and explaineds the differences. Based on the test results, under the voltages of different types, there are great differences of icing and flashover characteristics. While in DC-, the bubbles inside the icicles of sheds are bigger than in AC and DC+conditions. The glaze density always decreases with the increasing of voltage. When the applied voltage is high enough, with the increasing of voltage, the glaze weight of composite insulator under DC- decreases quickly, while others decrease slowly. The DC icing flashover voltage is lowest while the applied voltage is DC-.
Received: 03 April 2013
Published: 13 April 2015
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