The Influences of Mixed-Phase Ice on Corona Inception Voltage of Bundle Conductor |
Zhang Man,Jiang Xingliang,Shu Lichun,Hu Jianlin,Chen Ji,Guo Yujun |
State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China |
Abstract Mixed-phase ice disaster in the winter of china had happened frequently, which affects the operation of transmission line seriously. Iced surface on conductor becomes extremely rough and the growth of ice tree and icicle can distort the electrical field greatly, which will lead to the decreasing of the conductor corona onset voltage. Although many domestic and foreign researchers has investigated the phenomenon of conductor corona, most of them studied the actual bundle conductor just by using the scaled conductor model, and the analysis of mixed-phase ice form influent the regularity of conductor’s corona onset voltage are not enough. Therefore, a series test has been conducted after icing the mixed- phase ice in the artificial climate chamber to study the influence of AC corona to single, double and triple bundle conductors, and then using the UV imaging technology and I-U curve fitting measurement to analyze the inception voltage. Finally, the electrical field model of icing tree was established to research the corona characteristics of conductor by combining the iced morphology. The results show that mixed-phase ice can decrease the conductor inception voltage value below 60% of the consequence under no icing conditions. And the corona onset voltage will decrease to be saturated continually as the icing time increasing. In the same icing time, onset voltage of the conductor with more sub-conductors will obtain higher than the one with fewer sub-conductors. Icing morphology and the corona inception voltage does not vary with the freezing-water conductivity. The conclusion of this paper can lay foundations for designing the transmission line and the onset voltage calculation in mixed-phase iced area.
Received: 20 April 2013
Published: 13 April 2015
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