Low Speed Control of Ultrasonic Motor Using Change-Speed Integral Strategy and Multi-Variables |
Pan Peng,Xu Zhike,Wang Qianqian,Huang Zurong,Wang Ruixia |
Southeast University Nanjing 210096 China |
Abstract In this paper, by off-line identification, the driving frequency and wave-numbers is obtained as input where the speed as output. The low speed model is built, the change-velocity integral control is applied, for the Nonlinearity, integral factor is corrected by reference to the model curvature, Suitability of the control strategy is improved. Against to the low speed working condition where the speed is lower than 1º/s, the multi-input system is established in order to improve the servo performance. Combine the PI strategy using frequency as the control variable, steady-state error is reduced. The experimental results are presented to verify the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.
Received: 20 August 2014
Published: 14 April 2015
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