Research on Low Frequency Oscillation of Interconnected Power Grid Based on Multiple Disturbances |
Chen Enze, Liu Dichen, Liao Qingfen, Zhang Jieqiong |
Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China |
Abstract Research on low frequency oscillation of power grid based on multiple disturbances is the important basis to determine the dynamic stability of interconnected power grid. The paper proposed the concept of multiple disturbances based on the analysis of the power oscillation event happened in Central China Grid, and discovers that multiple disturbances are the important factor to cause low frequency oscillation. The fault chains method can simulate a typical disturbance sequence of flow transferring and overload of transmission lines caused by line faults. It was chosen to analysis power oscillations in interconnected power grid under multiple disturbances. The influence of operation modes on interconnected power grid is studied. The results show that the change of operation modes of the given power grid has a great impact on both the given power grid and another power gird which is connected to it. So the paper proposes a method by monitoring the occurrence sequences of the fault chains and the weak links to prevent low frequency oscillation which can provide the basis for power grid planning and dispatching operation.
Received: 17 July 2013
Published: 18 June 2014
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