Power System Harmonic Parameters Estimation Based on Recursive DFT Algorithm with DRSC Window |
Luo Jiao1, Jiang Yaqun1, Huang Chun1, Cao Yijia1, Sun Yanguang2 |
1. College of Electrical Engineering & Information Technology, Hunan University Changsha 410082 2. Automation Research and Design Institute of Metallurgical Industry, Beijing l00071 |
Abstract A recursive discrete Fourier transform(DFT) algorithm with discrete rectangular self-convolution(DRSC) window is proposed in this paper, and used for high-precision real-time power harmonic parameter estimation. By converting the recursive DFT from finite impulsse response(FIR) filter to infinite impulse responsec(IIR) filter form, the recursive DFT formula with DRSC window is deducted. Furthermore, the real-time estimation of electrical harmonic parameters is implemented by use of the phase difference DFT correction algorithm. The harmonic estimating algorithm uses the spectral characteristics of the DRSC window, which can not only minimize inter spectrum leaks effect on fundamental and harmonic components to improve the accuracy of spectral analysis, but also significantly reduce the computation burden of harmonic real-time analysis by recursive algorithm. Simulation results have showed the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
Received: 20 September 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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