Bi-level Scenario Programming of Active Distribution Network for Promoting Intermittent Distributed Generation Utilization |
Zeng Bo, Liu Nian, Zhang Yuying, Yang Xu, Zhang Jianhua, Liu Wenxia |
State Key Laboratory for Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources, North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract Promoting the accommodation of distributed renewable energy generation(DREG) to reduce the carbon-print of electricity is an additional planning objective under active distribution network(ADN) frame. To respond this, a novel bi-level scenario programming model of ADN is proposed in this paper. With the consideration of uncertainties associated in the DREG planning, operation, and load fluctuation, the model aims to minimize the comprehensive environmental-economic burden for per kilowatt hour of electricity consumed by end-users, while maximizing DREG generation along all the operation states. The contribution of active network management(ANM) in ADN is highlighted in the study and corresponding controlling parameters are dealt as decision variables in the model formulation. A powerful heuristic approach, i.e. harmony search algorism, and the fast-converging Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm(LMA) are combined to provide accurate planning decisions. The proposed model is tested on the 51-node distribution system to illustrate its feasibility and validity in the ADN planning.
Received: 21 September 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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