Research on the Shortest Path and Multi-path Transmission Statistical Model of PLC in Smart Grid |
Fan Bangkui1, Ding Guanjun1,2, Lan Haibin1, Long Teng2, Wang Jing1, Chen Zhiyong3 |
1. Beijing Information Technology Institute Beijing 100094 China 2. Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing 100081 China 3. National University of Defense Technology Changsha 410073 China |
Abstract Smart grid represents the development direction of future power grid. Power line communication (PLC) technology plays a more and more key role in it. Due to the impedance discontinuous in PLC system, which causes multipath transmission and directly influences the quality of signal received, the property of multipath transmission is the critical factor to affect the performance of PLC system. Although there are many studies on multipath transmission, those studies are based on the analysis of specific situation information and features, which doesn’t have good universality and consider the shortest path that has less reflection and attenuation. Combined with the shortest path, the paper analyzes and constructs the statistical model of PLC multipath transmission, without specific network analysis, which can offer reference for the design of PLC system.
Received: 22 April 2013
Published: 22 May 2014
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