The Research of RFID Technology for Smart Grid |
Huo Cheng, Shi XiaQin, He YiGang |
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009 China |
Abstract The development direction of grid is the smart grid, we can solve the problem of power grid by smart grid, only this, we can reach the goal of reliability, security, economic, efficient, environmental friendly and safe use. Radio frequency identification(RFID)technology is also called radio frequency identification technology, the use of it in the smart grid can increase its self-healing and feedback, the information collection of sensor become quicker, faced case of emergency more flexible. But at the same time, it will encounter some problems.For example, the RFID industry standard is not unified, more than one transponder in the reader range make conflict of datas.But RFID is maturing, application in the smart grid will have the further development of it.
Received: 18 October 2013
Published: 22 May 2014
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