A Unified Discrete Model of Switching DC/DC Converters |
Leng Zhaoxia1, Liu Jian2, Liu Qingfeng1, Wang Huamin1 |
1. Xi'an University of Technology Xi'an 710048 China 2. Xi'an University of Science and Technology Xi'an 710054 China |
Abstract For describing the characteristics of system accurately and directing the design of control strategy for DC/DC converters, a unified discrete model of Boost converter is established based on both CCM and DCM. The state transferring matrix is adopted in the process. According to current state of the converter and the control strategy, a way is proposed to calculate the duration time of inductor current after the power switch is turned off in a working cycle. The criterion to identify the operation mode of a converter in the next working cycle is presented. The coefficient matrix of the proposed model is determined as well. The validity of the proposed unified discrete model is proved by experimental results.
Received: 14 November 2007
Published: 13 February 2014
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