Start-Up Process Analysis of DC/DC Converter With Constant Power Load |
Wang Jianhua1, Zhang Fanghua1, Gong Chunyin1, Zhu Chenghua2 |
1. Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing 210016 China; 2. GE(China) Research and Development Center Shanghai 201203 China |
Abstract With average large signal model and phase plane method, the start-up processes of average current mode controlled buck converter with both constant power load and resistive load are analyzed. The analysis indicates that there are two kinds of process that are normal start-up and current-limited processes when converter operates as constant power load, which are determined by the current-limited value of source converter. Finally, the theoretical analysis is confirmed with simulation and experimental results.
Received: 24 April 2007
Published: 13 February 2014
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