电工技术学报  2019, Vol. 34 Issue (8): 1718-1727    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.180535
电力电子 |
程启明1, 李涛1, 程尹曼2, 陈路1, 孙伟莎1
1. 上海电力大学自动化工程学院 上海 200090;
2. 同济大学电子与信息工程学院 上海 201804
Control Strategy of PV Quasi-Z-Source T-Type Three-Level Inverter Based on Port Controlled Hamiltonian with Dissipation Model
Cheng Qiming1, Li Tao1, Cheng Yinman2, Chen Lu1, Sun Weisha1
1. College of Automation Engineering Shanghai University of Electric Power Shanghai 200090 China;
2. College of Electronics and Information Engineering Tongji University Shanghai 201804 China
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摘要 基于端口受控耗散哈密顿系统(PCHD)模型的无源控制策略无需对受控对象进行线性化处理,它从能量成型与注入阻尼方面讨论受控对象的稳定性,简化了控制系统的结构。首先,利用状态空间法推导出准Z源T型三电平逆变器数学模型;其次,结合无源PCHD模型的控制规律选取能量函数与注入阻尼,并进行控制系统的设计。该控制策略不但使系统具有优良的动、静特性,且逆变器输出电流谐波低、经济性高;最后,仿真和硬件实验验证了基于PCHD模型的无源控制策略的正确性和有效性。
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关键词 新型准Z源T型拓扑端口受控耗散哈密顿系统模型无源控制能量函数注入阻尼    
Abstract:The passivity-based control strategy based on the port controlled Hamiltonian with dissipation (PCHD) model does not need to linearize the controlled objects. It discusses the stability of the controlled objects from energy and injection damping, which simplifies the structure of the control system. Firstly, the mathematical model of the quasi-Z-source T-type three-level inverter is derived by using the state-space method. Secondly, the energy function and injection damping are selected through the control law of PCHD model, and the control system is designed. Meanwhile, this control strategy not only makes the system have excellent dynamic and static characteristics, but also has low harmonic output current and high economy. Finally, simulation and experiments verify the correctness and effectiveness of the passive control strategy based on PCHD model.
Key wordsNew quasi-Z-source T-topology    port controlled Hamiltonian with dissipation (PCHD) model    passivity-based control    energy function    injection damping   
收稿日期: 2018-04-09      出版日期: 2019-05-05
PACS: TM464  
基金资助:国家自然科学基金(61573239)、上海市自然科学基金 (15ZR1418600)和上海市电站自动化技术重点实验室(13DZ2273800)资助项目
通讯作者: 李 涛 男,1992年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为光伏并网逆变器控制、大功率变换器拓扑及控制、电机控制等。E-mail: 1773978817@qq.com   
作者简介: 程启明 男,1965年生,教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为电力系统自动化、发电过程控制、先进控制及应用等。E-mail: chengqiming@sina.com
程启明, 李涛, 程尹曼, 陈路, 孙伟莎. 基于受控耗散Hamiltonian系统模型的光伏准Z源T型三电平并网逆变器控制策略[J]. 电工技术学报, 2019, 34(8): 1718-1727. Cheng Qiming, Li Tao, Cheng Yinman, Chen Lu, Sun Weisha. Control Strategy of PV Quasi-Z-Source T-Type Three-Level Inverter Based on Port Controlled Hamiltonian with Dissipation Model. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2019, 34(8): 1718-1727.
https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.180535          https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/Y2019/V34/I8/1718