Abstract:A direct thrust force control (DTFC)scheme based on integral sliding mode for permanent magnet linear synchronous motor (PMLSM) servo system was proposed for the problems of ripple in the thrust force, steady state error and other issues. Considering speed and thrust force as the state variables, a second order nonlinear state space model was established in a synchronously rotating stator flux vector reference system. According to the space state, an integral sliding mode control law was established to replace the independent speed controller and thrust force controller. This simplified the control structure of the system and improved dynamic response of the system. The saturated function was selected as the switching function to reduce the chattering of sliding mode control (SMC) and eliminated the steady state error in speed tracking, improving the robustness of the system. Lyapunov stability analysis to prove the stability of the controller was provided. The effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed scheme is validated experimentally. Compared with DTFC using PI control, the DTFC system based on the integral sliding mode control gets faster dynamic response, excellent steady state speed control performance and strong robustness.
原浩, 赵希梅. 基于积分滑模的永磁直线同步电动机直接推力控制[J]. 电工技术学报, 2019, 34(3): 483-488.
Yuan Hao, Zhao Ximei. Direct Thrust Force Control Based on Integral Sliding Mode for Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2019, 34(3): 483-488.
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