Power Quality Comprehensive Evaluation Based on Matter-Element Theory and Evidence Theory
Li Lingling1,2,Liu Jingjie2,Ling Yuesheng1,2,Zhou Xian2,Zhang Yunlong2
1. Hebei Province Ministry Joint Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Field & Electrical Apparatus Reliability Hebei University of Technology Tianjin 300130 China; 2. Electrical Engineering & Automation Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China
Abstract:In order to solve the uncertainty and subjectivity of power quality comprehensive evaluation, an power quality comprehensive evaluation method is proposed based on matter-element theory and evidence theory in the paper. it use matter-element to establish matter-element model of power quality, it quantifies the subordinate relation of various evaluation indexes and evaluation interval of quality grades by correlation function, and normalizes it to obtain the belief function of each index. Then the weight of each evaluation index of power quality is obtained by using combination weighing method based on entropy weight and G1 method, to modify belef functions of the original evidence. on this basis, using evidence combination rule fuses various evaluation indexes, so as to obtain power quality comprehensive assessment. The calculation of an example shows that the proposed method minimizes the uncertainty in assessment process, can get more.
李玲玲,刘敬杰,凌跃胜,周贤,张云龙. 物元理论和证据理论相结合的电能质量综合评估[J]. 电工技术学报, 2015, 30(12): 383-391.
Li Lingling,Liu Jingjie,Ling Yuesheng,Zhou Xian,Zhang Yunlong. Power Quality Comprehensive Evaluation Based on Matter-Element Theory and Evidence Theory. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(12): 383-391.
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