Abstract:The Voltage oscillation on the DC-link and the load disturbance of metro battery charger converter results in unsettled output voltage, affecting system stability finally. The paper researches on how to improve the dynamic performance of the battery charger in metro. Based on the phased small-signal model of the system set up through the aid of state space average method, thus deduced by approximate linearization method system open-loop transfer function, the paper analyses the stability and dynamic characteristic of the system under complex frequency domain. Subsequently, the PID regulator and the voltage feed-forward PWM control strategy are proposed, and further analysis of its mechanism and realization mode is proposed. Finally, the paper verifies correctness of the control strategy through MATLAB simulation and experiment.
杜会卿, 陈杰, 孙涛, 刁利军, 刘志刚. 基于电压前馈的地铁高频充电机动态特性控制分析与改进[J]. 电工技术学报, 2013, 28(1增): 474-479.
Du Huiqing, Chen Jie, Sun Tao, Diao Lijun, Liu Zhigang. Dynamic Characteristic Control Analysis and Improvement of Metro Battery Charger Converter Based on Voltage Feed-Forward. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2013, 28(1增): 474-479.
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